That was then...

In the Beginning...
Our History
Delta Rho Sorority Incorporated was founded on July 1, 2004 and incorporated in the State of Florida on July 15, 2004.
It all began when four (4) women from various cultural backgrounds, levels of education, and with different professional aspirations came together with an ideal to create an organization that defined true Sisterhood; a secret society for women; a Sorority. This organization would be comprised of mature, professional women who were 25 years and older, established in their lives and had something positive to offer their Sorors and their community.
The founders worked long and hard to establish principles and landmarks that represented what they stood for and what each future Soror would exemplify; Sisterhood, Service, Diversity and Professionalism.
The founders decided on the colors Ruby (a shade of red) and Pure White. these colors are the same colors (red and white) as "Black Women of Essence, Inc" (www.bwoe.org) a community service organization in which, they initially met through. They felt that by adopting the same colors of the organization, they would show their gratitude, for without it, they may not have met and Delta Rho Sorority, Inc. may not be in existence.
March 18 - 20, 2005 marked another milestone for Delta Rho Sorority, Incorporated. The first "Membership Intake Process" of Delta Rho Sorority, Inc. was held in Orlando, Florida. At the end of the weekend, Delta Rho Sorority, Incorporated welcomed/crossed 6 (six) women known as "Genesis of Excellence" into the Sisterhood of Delta Rho Sorority, Incorporated.
2012 marks the year of transformation for Delta Rho Sorority, Incorporated. We forever hold dear to us the efforts and dedication of the four original Founders; but as we know, "Life Happens".
Over the years personal life goals have changed and many have chosen to depart from our Sisterhood; we wish them well in all future endeavors.
Through the continued unwavering dedication, commitment and leadership of Founder, Renee P. Goldsby Ellis; Delta Rho Sorority, Inc. continues to thrive and make changes in the lives of our youth through our philanthropic endeavors.
As the old spiritual goes "We've come this far by faith; leaning on the Lord, Can't turn around, we've come this far by faith".
The Sorors of Delta Rho Sorority, Inc. continue to be dedicated to community service, uplifting youth and professionally representing Delta Rho Sorority, Inc.
© Copyright 2004 - 2012 Delta Rho Sorority, Incorporated